The lipid composition and conversion of tryptamine toNb-acetyltryptamine in aCatharanthus roseus cell line without indole alkaloids

A cell line, NA13-2, was selected as a rapidly growing colony of protoplasts from a UV(254 nm)-fluorescent cell line, NA13-1, which originated from a tryptamine-resistant strain ofCatharanthus roseus NA13. Cell line NA13-2 lost the capability to produce indole alkaloids. Tryptophan fed to these cells was converted toNb-acetyltryptamine as the major product. The free acetyl coenzyme A content of NA13-2 cells was 50% higher than in the mother cells. The total lipid content of the NA13-2 cells was 2.5-fold that in the NA13 cells. In spite of the similarity in the fatty acid content to that of the mother cell line NA13, the total lipid extract of NA13-2 cells appeared as a wax instead of an oil, resulting from the presence of sterol esters.
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