The impact of physical exercises over the intimate life of the young generation (The Rorschach ink blot test)

Physical exercise has numerous benefits: Formative, informative, educative, but above all it ensures a stable personality, a methodic behaviour which leads to a healthy life system with positive emotional reactions, giving us the possibility of control and natural intimate desires. A certain description shows us the prototype of a complete person, capable to face social demands and to enter the modern society of our days, which is extremely demanding and with high standards. In order to prove the importance of physical exercise in the life of youngsters, we used as a method of research the “Intimate life according to the Rorschach ink blot test”, which shall help us detect the aspects of intimate life and students’ personalities from this point of view. For our research, we started from the hypothesis according to which people who greet physical exercises using it as a leisure time activity and means of socialization, have a positive intimate life and a positive personality,as compared to people with a mainly sedentary life, and who have a low level of development for their ability of adaptation,both on the professional and on the personal plan. Our research has been undertaken on a group of 123 students (41 boys;82 girls) coming from the same institution, therefore theoretically having similar preoccupations and social status.Bibliographic study method; observation method; enquiry method (conversation, questionnaire entitled “Intimate life according to the Rorschach ink blot test”, etc.); pedagogical experiment method; statistical-mathematic method; graphical method were employed as methodology. As a consequence of the research undertaken, we observed that there are significant differences regarding students who have a way of life combined with physical exercises during the week, over a school year, as compared to those who do not perform similar activities, from various reasons. In all these modifications, it is considered that a special important role is held by physical exercised performed under different aspects, reason for which we believe that it should not miss from the weekly schedule of students. Therefore, we recommend introducing it again in the university syllabus, for each week, as a university module of 90 minutes. Keywords: Physical exercises, students, rorschach test, intimate life.
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