Hepatocellular carcinoma: an overview.

Hepatocellular carcinoma remains widely prevalent in tropical Africa and south-east Asia and is largely related to chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Primary prevention by vaccination of infants at or near birth is effective but any reduction in tumour incidence cannot be expected for decades to come yet, even in those countries in which the necessary resources exist, as millions of adults remain chronically infected. Meanwhile, the incidence is rising in Japan, Mediterranean countries of Europe, Middle East and North Africa and in the USA, largely due to chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection introduced by the indiscriminate use of unscreened blood and blood products in the recent past. Much has been learned from molecular biological studies on hepatocarcinogenesis incriminating the HBX gene of HBV, the core protein of HCV and a unique guanine to thymine transversion at codon 249 has been observed in cases due to aflatoxin exposure. The subject of precancerous lesions, notably adenomatous/dysplastic nodules and large-cell/small-cell change continues to be a source of much debate and the distinction of nodular lesions in cirrhosis from early carcinoma remains uncertain. Spontaneous regression of hepatocellular carcinoma is rare but it is probably immunologically mediated and treatment by activated T-lymphocytes may reduce recurrence rates after surgery. The positive identification of hepatocellular carcinoma by a liver-specific antibody has greatly facilitated the diagnosis in difficult cases.
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