Free Energy Landscapes for S-H Bonds in (Cp2Mo2S4)-Mo-star Complexes

Extensive thermochemical data have been determined for a series of complexes derived from Cp*Mo(μ S)2(μ SMe)(μ SH)MoCp* and Cp*Mo(μ S)2(μ SH)2MoCp*. These data include electrochemical potentials, pKa values, homolytic solution bond dissociation free energies (SBDFEs), and hydride donor abilities in acetonitrile. Thermochemical data ranged from +0.6 to -2.0 V vs FeCp2+/o for electrochemical potentials, 5 to 31 for pKa values, 43 to 68 kcal/mol for homolytic SBDFEs, and 44 to 84 kcal/mol for hydride donor abilities. The observed values for these thermodynamic parameters are comparable to those of many transition metal hydrides, which is consistent with the many parallels in the chemistry of these two classes of compounds. The wealth of thermochemical data are presented in free energy landscapes as a useful approach to visualizing and understanding the relative stabilities of all of the species under specified conditions. This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Chemical Sciences program. The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is operated by Battelle for DOE.
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