Distribution of OL-protocadherin protein in correlation with specific neural compartments and local circuits in the postnatal mouse brain.

OL-protocadherin (OL-pc) is a cell adhesion molecule that belongs to the cadherin superfamily. A previous study showed that expression of OL-pc mRNA was specific to certain brain nuclei including those of the olfactory and limbic systems, thus suggesting its involvement in neural circuit formation (Hirano et al., 1999). Here, we examined the distribution of OL-pc protein in the postnatal mouse brain by immunohistochemistry to confirm the possibility of such a role. The results showed that the protein could be mapped to many brain compartments including brain nuclei and higher subdivisions as previously observed for the expression pattern of the mRNA. Sharp boundaries of the distribution were often seen in areas such as the interpedunclar nucleus, cerebellar cortex, and inferior olive. In addition, the protein was detected in some fibers that could not be examined by the previous study using in situ hybridization. For example, prominent staining was noted in the stria medularis, stria terminalis, fasciculus retroflexus, optic tract, and inferior thalamic radiation, structures that seem to connect OL-pc-positive brain regions. These OL-pc-positive brain nuclei and fiber tracts coincide with some local circuits of functional systems such as the olfactory system, nigrostriatal projection, olivo-cerebellar projection, and visual system. These results support the possibility that OL-pc is involved in the formation of specific neural compartments and circuits in the developing brain.
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