Measuring the Insertion Loss of Water Drainage Pipe Enclosures

To protect building occupants from water drainage noises, piping systems are often installed inside enclosures, or technical shafts. The noise generated by the pipe can be characterized in the laboratory according to EN 14366 (currently under revision). This standard method is based on a steady-state excitation using a controlled water flow. Measurements are done successively with the pipe connected and disconnected from the supporting wall in order to separate airborne and structure-borne noise contributions. However, the current version of EN 14366 does not cover noise mitigation measures. Therefore, years ago, CSTB developed a non-standard method to measure the insertion loss of pipe enclosures. This method uses broadband noise generated by a loudspeaker instead of a water flow, the pipe being disconnected from the supporting wall. Now, the characterization of mitigation measures is part of the scope of the ongoing revision of EN 14366, along with important changes in performance indicators and measurement methods. This study aims at comparing the new method proposed for standardization to the historical CSTB method. Measurements are done on different pipe enclosures made of plasterboard on steel frame. The influence of the excitation (water flow at different rates or loudspeaker) and of the contact condition (pipe attached or detached) is investigated. Experimental results are presented and discussed.
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