Modeling Extreme Climate Events: Two Case Studies in Mexico

The most severe impacts of climate on human society and infrastructure as well as on ecosystems and wildlife arise from the occurrence of extreme weather events such as heat waves, cold spells, floods, droughts and storms. Recent years have seen a number of weather events cause large losses of life as well as a tremendous increase in economic losses. According to the IPCC (2007), an extreme weather event is an event that is rare at a particular place and time of year. Definitions of rare vary, but an extreme weather event would normally be as rare as or rarer than the 10th or 90th percentile of the observed probability density function. Changes in frequency or/and intensity of extreme events can affect not only human health, directly through heat and cold waves and indirectly by floods or pollution episodes, but also for example, on crops or even insurance calculations. Climate extremes associated with temperature (heatwaves) and precipitation (heavy rain, snow events, droughts) can also affect energy consumption, human comfort and tourism and are responsible for a disproportionately large part of climate-related damages (Easterling et al., 2000; Meehl et al., 2000). Extreme weather events recorded in recent years, and associated losses of both, lives and economics goods, has captured the interest of the general public, governments, stakeholders and media. The scientific community has responded to this inquiry and has raised interest in studying with more attention to detail. Our understanding of the mean behavior of climate and its normal variability has been improving significantly during the last decades. In comparison, climatic extreme events have been hard to study and even harder to predict because they are, by definition, rare and obey different statistical laws than averages. In particular, extreme value analysis usually requires estimation of the probability of events that are more extreme than any that have already been observed, and they are linked to small probabilities. Climate extremes can be placed into two broad groups: (i) those based on simple climate statistics, which include extremes such as a very low or very high daily temperature, or heavy daily or monthly rainfall amounts, that occur every year; and (ii) more complex event-driven extremes, examples of which include drought, floods, or hurricanes, which do not necessarily occur every year at a given location. Katz & Brown (1992) first suggested that the sensitivity of extremes to changes in mean climate may be greater than one would assume from simply shifting the location of the climatological distributions. Since then, observations of historical changes as well as future
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