IC-пластика при послеоперационных вентральных грыжах

Methods. The study enrolled patients with postoperative ventral hernias (n=157). Standard IC-plasty was performed in 81 patients, comprising the group of clinical comparison (CCG). The advanced version of the mentioned afore surgery was performed in 76 patients. These patients formed the main group (MG). Results. It was established that in early terms the postoperative complications occurred after the operation in 7 (8,6%) patients in the CCG. Seromas formed in 2 (2,6%) patients from MG which were accessible for puncture. A single case of suppuration was registered in CCG. Thus, the using of less traumatic version of IC-plasty is claimed to be associated with less recurrence and complication rate. In early terms more extensive and long pain manifestations had been registered after the surgery in CCG in comparing with MG. In 5 cases the specific pain was registered in the sites of strips conducting formed at the edges of a polypropylene mesh through the muscle-aponeurotic tissues in CCG. There were no similar cases and fatal outcomes in MG. In terms from 1-3,5 years period surgery outcomes were studied in 73 (MG) and in 75 (CCG) patients. One recurrence in CCG without any delayed complications was observed. In later periods after the intervention no recurrences and complications were registered. Conclusion. IC-plasty being an effective treatment method in case of postoperative ventral hernia has been evolved over the period of years. Technological advances of IC-plasty have been demonstrated to be favorably affected on the outcomes of the operation and the incisional period. To reduce the number of foreign material inserted into the human body in comparision with standard IC-plasty is also important.
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