[Features of the structure and evolution of complex tandemly organized Bsp-repeats in the fox genome. II. Tissue-specific and recombinant BamHI-dimer sites].

: The complex structure of the clustered Bsp-repeats in fox genome seems to have evolved throughout a long period of time as a result of multiplication, recombination and divergence events. The sequence of the subrepeat (SR) approximately 245 b.p long is the basic substructure for the hierarchically arranged Bam HI-repeat 1468 b.p. long. The monomer consists of 3 SRs with a 43-59% homology. A dimer is composed of 2 monomers with a 93% homology. Amplification of the Bsp-repeats during evolution seems to have occurred at least twice: first--on the SR ancestral form level, second--on the monomer level. Despite profound divergence, there are still conservative regions in SRs with sequences homologous to known functional sites in eukaryotes. However qualitative and quantitative composition of most functional motifs is stringently individual in every SR. The performed analysis revealed that throughout evolution SRs acquired significant amount of motifs homologous to promoter and enhancer regions in tissue-specific genes and virus regulatory regions. Functional motifs in separate SRs are being differently grouped. Most inducible motifs are located in the III and II subrepeats, putative promoters--in the II one; elements participating both in transcriptional and replicational processes--mainly in the I subrepeat. A few ensembles of functional motifs remotely resemble extended regulatory regions of some tissue-specific genes. The monomers are potentially capable of ensuring diverse aspects of transcriptional regulation. As a whole, motifs of the 3 SRs are potentially capable of regulating the RNA synthesis periodicity with respect to the cellular cycle, activation and repression of genetical material in response to signals from the environment (AP-1, AP-2, AP-4, T-antigen, etc) and temporal ("octamers") etc. Apart from the BamHI-dimer, a few homologues fragments were isolated from fox genome and sequenced. Some of them were rearranged with respect to the BamHI-dimer. Inversion locally alters the composition of motifs and the sequence acquires new functional potential. Thus, the analysis of the emergence and development of Bsp-repeat structural variations allows us to consider repetitive DNA sequences as an ideal material in constructing multiprofile regulatory sequences.
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