Cinsel Eğitime Yönelik Tutum Ölçeği: Güvenilirlik ve Geçerlilik Çalışması

In this study, it was aimed to develop the Attitude Scale towards Sexual Education (ASSE). A form and Communication Language Scale Used in Sexual Education were applied to 199 people for the purpose of experimentation and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was performed using the obtained data. The final form is 39 items and has four factors. Confirmatory factor analysis was applied on the data obtained and it was concluded that the structure was confirmed due to the high index of goodness of fit. The final form was tried again in a third group with the "Gender Perception Scale" and the results were checked by confirmatory factor analysis on the obtained data. It was concluded that the scale can produce valid results in determining attitudes towards sexual education. In addition, the sex of the parents did not cause a difference in their attitudes towards sexual education; however, it was determined that their education level caused a difference in favor of higher education graduates in their attitudes towards sexual education. It has been determined that there are positive and significant relationships between parents' attitudes towards sexual education and the language of communication they use in sexual education.
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