Follow-Up on the Nassriya Prison Facility, Nassriya, Iraq

Abstract : The Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction is assessing projects funded under the Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund to provide realtime relief and reconstruction information to interested parties to enable appropriate action, when warranted. This is a follow-up on SIGIR assessment report PA-06-054 on the Nassriya Prison Facility issued 25 July 2006 Project Objective. The overall objective of the Nassriya Prison facility was to increase the bed count of the Iraqi Corrections Service for the Ministry of Justice through the construction of a new secure prison facility. The objective of the project was to continue the construction on the maximum/medium security prison facility located in Nassriya. We conducted this limited scope assessment in accordance with the Quality Standards for Inspections issued by the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency. The assessment team included an engineer/inspector and an auditor/inspector.
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