Learning vector quantization for multiclass classification: application to characterization of plastics.

Learning vector quantization (LVQ) is described, with both the LVQ1 and LVQ3 algorithms detailed. This approach involves finding boundaries between classes based on codebook vectors that are created for each class using an iterative neural network. LVQ has an advantage over traditional boundary methods such as support vector machines in the ability to model many classes simultaneously. The performance of the algorithm is tested on a data set of the thermal properties of 293 commercial polymers, grouped into nine classes:  each class in turn consists of several grades. The method is compared to the Mahalanobis distance method, which can also be applied to a multiclass problem. Validation of the classification ability is via iterative splits of the data into test and training sets. For the data in this paper, LVQ is shown to perform better than the Mahalanobis distance as the latter method performs best when data are distributed in an ellipsoidal manner, while LVQ makes no such assumption and is primarily u...
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