The roles of histidine and tyrosine residues in the active site of collagenase in Grimontia hollisae.

: Collagenase from the Grimontia hollisae strain 1706B (Ghcol) is a zinc metalloproteinase with the zinc-binding motif H492EXXH496. It exhibits higher collagen-degrading activity than the collagenase from Clostridium histolyticum, which is widely used in industry. We previously examined the pH and temperature dependencies of Ghcol activity; Glu493 was thought to contribute acidic pKa (pKe1), while no residue was assigned to contribute alkaline pKa (pKe2). In this study, we introduced nine single mutations at the His or Tyr residues in and near the active site. Our results showed that H412A, H485A, Y497A, H578A, and H737A retained the activities to hydrolyze collagen and gelatin, while H426A, H492A, H496A, and Y568A lacked them. Purification of active variants H412A, H485A, H578A, and H737A, along with inactive variants H492A and H496A, were successful. H412A preferred (7-methoyxycoumarin-4-yl)acetyl-L-Lys-L-Pro-L-Leu-Gly-L-Leu-[N3-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)-L-2,3-diaminopropinoyl]-L-Ala-L-Arg-NH2 to collagen, while H485A preferred collagen to the peptide, suggesting that His412 and His485 are important for substrate specificity. Purification of the active variant Y497A and inactive variants H426A and Y568A were unsuccessful, suggesting that these three residues were important for stability. Based on the reported crystal structure of clostridial collagenase, Tyr568 of Ghcol is suggested to be involved in catalysis and may be the ionizable residue for pKe2.
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