Peripheral melatonin modulates seasonal immunity and reproduction of Indian tropical male bird Perdicula asiatica

Seasonal changes in pineal function are well coordinated with seasonal reproductive activity of tropical birds. Further, immunomodulatory property of melatonin is well documented in seasonally breeding animals. Present study elucidates the interaction of peripheral melatonin with seasonal pattern of immunity and reproduction in Indian tropical male bird Perdicula asiatica. Significant seasonal changes were noted in pineal, testicular and immune function(s) of this avian species. Maximum pineal activity along with high immune status was noted during winter month while maximum testicular activity with low immune status was noted in summer. During summer month's long photoperiod suppressed pineal activity and high circulating testosterone suppressed immune parameters, while in winter short photoperiod elevated pineal activity and high circulating melatonin maintained high immune status and suppressed gonadal activity. Therefore, seasonal levels of melatonin act like a major temporal synchronizer to maintain not only the seasonal reproduction but also immune adaptability of this avian species.
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