Violación de la aplicación del Debido Proceso a los Extranjeros incurso en Causales de Deportación o Expulsión del Territorio de la República. Casos Colombianos.

Thepurpose of thisworkis to complywiththeapplication of dueprocesswhenviolatingthe human rights of theforeignerinvolved in causes of deportationorexpulsionfromtheterritory of theRepublic, Colombian cases. Forthispurpose, thefollowingspecificobjectiveswereestablished: a) Describe the human rightsthatcorrespondto theforeigner in Venezuela; b) Explainthe causes of deportation and expulsion in national and internationalstandards; c) Distinguishthedifferencesbetween causes of deportation and expulsionfromtheterritory of one country to another; And, d) Statethereasonsfordeportation and / orexpulsionfromtheterritory of theRepublic in theinternal legal system of Venezuela. Thequestionsthattheresearchthatwasraisedwerethefollowing: What human rightsbelong to theforeigner in Venezuela?, How are the causes of deportationorexpulsionestablished in national and internationalstandards ?, What are thedifferencesbetweendeportation and expulsion Of citizens of theterritory of a country ?, Howdoesthe causes of deportation and / orexpulsion of theterritory of theRepublicmaterialize in theinternal legal system of Venezuela? Theresearchusedis a documentary / bibliographicresearchdesignsupportedbyauthor'sworks, legal documents, electronicdocuments, articles in indexedjournals, legal encyclopedias, amongothers. Likewise, thepresentstudyis non-experimental. As far as thescope of thestudyisconcerned, itwasorientedfromthetechnicalpoint of view in thelevel of research of a descriptivenature. To collectsecondaryinformationfromtextbooks, encyclopedias, hemerographies, yearbooks and informationfromelectronicsources, documentaryresearchtechniques, such as signing and underlining of texts, will be applied. Theinstrumentsfortheanalysis of thesourceswerethe records and thetablesfortheinternal and externalanalysis of thecontent of saidsources. Finally, thefollowingconclusionsweregenerated: a) Thecompetentauthorities in matters of foreigners and migration of Venezuela, are exhorted to complywith and enforcethelegallystipulatednorms; And b) Lawstudentsinterested in human rights are advised to continuethis line of investigationbydelvingintootherareas of nationalevolution, in order to describe them and submitthem to theconsideration of Venezuelans so thatthey do notfollowOccurring.
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