Structural studies of lambda transducing bacteriophage carrying bacterial deoxyribonucleic acid from the metBJLF region of the Escherichia coli chromosome.

Abstract The structures of several lambda dmet and related lambda darg transducing phage were studied by restriction fragment mapping and electron microscopic measurements of homoduplexes and heteroduplexes. A new transducing phage (lambda dmet141), in which metF is the only functional gene of the cluster, was isolated. In contrast, lambda dmet117, which expresses the entire metBJLF cluster, has only 3 kilobases more bacterial deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) than lambda dmet141. An EcoRI restriction fragment of lambda dmet117, which carries the leftmost 6 kilobases of the bacterial DNA insert, was isolated and shown to contain a functional copy of metB. Small structural differences at the attachment sites of some of the phage were shown to result from different sites of lambda integration in the two parent insertion lysogens.
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