Полиамины в аутопсийных образцах некоторых структур лимбической и ретикулярной формации мозга у больных шизофренией

The polyamines levels in autopsy brain materials of 8 patients with paranoid schizophrenia with continuous progredient type of course of disease who died of pneumonia or sharp heart deficiency at the age of 44-58 have been investigated. The results of investigations of spermine, spermidine and putrescine content in 8 autopsy brain structures of patients with schizophrenia (frontal and temporal lobes, convolution of the cingulum, hypothalamus, thalamus, almond-shaped core, caudate core, black substance) have been demonstrated. The highest concentrations of spermidine, calculated per 1g of raw materials or per 1 mg of protein, were discovered in grey substance of frontal lobe, in grey and white substance of temporal lobe. The lowest level of putrescine was discovered in thalamus as compared to an other tested structures. The greatest concentration of spermine was discovered in black substance, in white substance of frontal lobe and convolution of the cingulum. It was established, that levels of spermine in grey substance of the frontal and temporal lobes as well as in the grey substance of convolution of the cingulum have been the lowest. Possible role of polyamine's interference in mechanism of psychosis development is discussed.
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