Analysis of a cohort of prostate patients treated with HDR mono-brachytherapy.

The aim of this study is to perform volumetric and basic radiobiological analyses using the database on prostate patients treated by HDR brachytherapy in our institution during the period 2011-2016. Real-time ultrasound based technique was used, with Oncentra Prostate planning software. The whole period was divided into two sub-periods, according to the 100% dose per fraction, which was 10.5 Gy during the first period (2011-2012), and 11 Gy during the second period (2013-2016), for each of the three fractions. The follow up time varied from 19 to 81 months, with a median of 45 months and a mean of 47 months. The uniformity of the treatment technique for both periods is investigated. Tumour Control Probability (TCP) values for the expected local control are calculated according to a population phenomenological TCP model for different values of the α/β ratio. The calculations are based on the obtained averaged Dose Volume Histograms for the two investigated sub-periods. 74 patients were treated in total. Local control failure is observed in 5 cases, which corresponds to an observed TCP = 93.2%. The comparison of the calculated population average DVH with the DVHs of the cases with local control failure shows that in 4 of them, doses higher than average were delivered to the prostate. It is shown that the uniformity of the treatment was improved during the second sub-period. A possible explanation of the observed failures may be that these cases exhibit inherent tumour cell radio-resistance higher than average. Our radiobiological analysis indicates a α/β ratio value somewhat higher than the one currently accepted. The value of the prostate α/β ratio is estimated to be in the range of [3.5-6] Gy.
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