Prevalence of dental caries in overweight school going children of 12-15 years in and around Jaipur city, Rajasthan, India

INTRODUCTION: Dental caries and obesity are both multifactorial disease with a complex etiology and both are associated with dietary habits. Prevalence of dental caries and an association between body mass index (BMI) and dental caries among school children METHODS: The present was done on 1500 school going children to assess the prevalence of dental caries in 12-15 year old overweight children. Weight and height were measured in light clothing and without shoes using an electronic weighing scale. Subjects’ heights were measured using a stadiometre. Subjects were examined on an upright chair in adequate natural daylight and dental caries was measured by using DMF index. Chi-square test was used to analyze and compare qualitative data whereas unpaired ‘t’ test was used to analyze and compare quantative data RESULTS: Amongst 1500 children, 156 were found to be overweight, 443 were normal weight. When mean BMI between overweight and normal weight were compared a highly significant difference was observed. When DMFT of overweight and normal weight were compared no significant difference was observed CONCLUSION: Dental caries was observed more in females as compared to males and no significant difference was observed between dental caries and weight gain
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