Rehabilitative rheumatology content in current rehabilitation medicine training programs.

: The Council on Rehabilitative Rheumatology of the American Rheumatism Association, through the Education Subcommittee, surveyed directors of 69 approved rehabilitation medicine residency training programs to assess the nature of training in rehabilitative-rheumatology and whether the directors believed this training to be adequate. Sixty-one directors responded, with 84% of the respondents reporting a rheumatology department in their hospitals and 43% reporting a formal rotation for their residents in rheumatology. Fifty-nine (97%) reported their residents received lectures in rheumatology. Fifty-five (90%) reported lectures given by a physiatrist in the rehabilitative management of rheumatic diseases. Only 21 (34%) reported a physiatrist-attended rheumatology outpatient clinic. Fifty-one (82%) desired a closer liaison with the rheumatology department. Thirty-seven (61%) indicated their residents received adequate training on the diagnosis of rheumatic diseases, and 46 (75%) adequate training in rehabilitative management, while 59 (97%) desired a concise handbook which emphasizes the rehabilitative management of rheumatic diseases. A previous survey of 100 arthritis fellowship programs approved by the American Medical Association brought 81 responses, of which only 43% considered that their Fellows had adequate training in rehabilitative rheumatology. Physiatrists attended clinics 21% of the time and patient care rounds 19%. Ninety-four percent desired a syllabus. Both surveys indicated limited interaction between the two specialties and leads us to conclude that a rehabilitative-rheumatology handbook would be desirable, closer liaison of rehabilitation faculty with rheumatology faculty is needed to respond to individual training needs, more active participation by a physiatrist in patient care conferences may be necessary for adequate education in rehabilitative-rheumatology.
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