The Effectiveness of Letrozole-Electroacupuncture Adjuvant Therapy in Reducing Resistance and Pulsatility Indices in Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Background: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PC­­­­OS) is a complex endocrine disorder and the cau­­­­se of 40% of infertility cases. In recent years, let­­­ro­zole as an aromatase inhibitor has been report­ed to be effective for ovulation induction. In addi­­tion, electro acupuncture therapy can redu­ce tonic activity in the sympa­thetic vaso­constric­tor path­­way to the uterus. This stu­dy aimed to determine the effectiveness of Let­ro­zo­le-Electroacupuncture adjuvant therapy in reducing the Resistance Index and Pul­sa­ti­li­ty Indices in women with Polycystic Ovary Syn­dro­me (PCOS). Subjects and Method: This was an analytical ob­servational study with a cohort approach. The sub­jects of the study were women aged 20-45 years based on age, body mass index (BMI), and pe­riod of infertility aspects. The sample con­sisted of 30 people who were divided into 2 groups, name­­ly group 1 with letrozole therapy, while group 2 with additional electro­acu­punc­ture therapy and then carried out pre- and post-interven­tion exa­mi­nations on day 19 and 21. The depen­dent variables were the Resist­ance Index value and the Pulsaitility Index value. The inde­pendent vari­­ables were Letro­zole and Electro­acupuncture therapies. The Resistance and Pulsatility Indices we­re measured using USG transabdominal Color Dop­­pler Voluson P6. The data were analyzed using the Mann Whitney test. Results: The Pul­satility Index for group 1 on day 21 (Mean= 2.69; SD= 0.87) was higher than group 2 (Me­an= 1.97; SD= 0.57), and it was statistically sig­ni­fi­cant (p= 0.013). Conclusion: Letrozole-EA therapy reduce the Resistance and Pulsatility In­dices. Keywords: Letrozole, acupuncture, endo­metrial re­ceptivity, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Correspondence:  Dhamayanti Eka Octavia. Department of Obs­tetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Ma­­ret/ Dr. Moewardi Hos­pital, Sura­kar­ta 57126, Central Java. Email: dhama­yan­ti­ Mobile: 08125­0355886. Journal of Maternal and Child Health (2020), 05(04): 422-429
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