Efficient phloem transport significantly remobilizes cadmium from old to young organs in a hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii

Abstract Our knowledge of cadmium (Cd) in hyperaccumulators mainly concerns root uptake, xylem translocation and foliar detoxification, while little attention has been paid to the role of phloem remobilization. We investigated Cd distribution in different organs of the hyperaccumulating ecotype (HE) of Sedum alfredii and compared its Cd phloem transport with that of the non-hyperaccumulating ecotype (NHE). In HE, results of micro X-ray fluorescence revealed that Cd preferentially accumulated in younger organs compared to the older, and its primary distribution sites changed from parenchyma to vascular/epidermal cells with increased organ age. Strong Cd signals in phloem cells were observed in HE old stems. Pre-stored Cd was readily exported from older to growing leaves, which could be accelerated by leaf senescence. Short-term feeding experiments showed that phloem-mediated Cd transport is rapid and efficient in HE. HE relocated 44% of the total leaf-labelled Cd to other organs, while over 90% Cd was retained in labelled leaves of NHE. High Cd was detected in HE phloem exudates but not in those from NHE leaves. In conclusion, Cd phloem transport is efficient and important for dominating the age-dependent Cd allocation in plants of HE S. alfredii .
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