Four year prospective study on the epidemiology and clinical presentation of odontogenic tumors in Nigeria

ntroduction: While many report success ith microvascular free tissue transfer, few im to stratify postoperative morbidity. ostoperative complications vary from the nsignificant to the life threatening, and ay in rare circumstances result in morality. Aims: To evaluate the application of n established postoperative complicaion classification system used in general urgery to head and neck oncology patients Patients and methods: A prospective ohort study has been undertaken on a conecutive series of head and neck oncology atients that were undergoing ablative and icrovascular reconstruction surgery in a ingle maxillofacial unit. Patients treated etween August 2009 and February 2011 ere evaluated, and complications were cored based on an established classificaion system (Clavien). Results: 130 patients were evaluted and postoperative complications were raded. Severity of complications was ompared to preoperative medical comoridity, nutritional status, operative time and erioperative steroid and blood products se. Conclusions: A classification of postperative surgical complications can be pplied to head and neck cancer patients nd allows meaningful conclusions to be rawn from postoperative analytical studes. While larger patient populations still eed to be investigated, this study offers nsight to severity of complications and ow best to provide quality assurance to ur patients. Conflict of interest: None declared.
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