Efectos del modelo TRIAL classroom en la autorregulación del alumnado de educación primaria frente a la metodología tradicional

espanolEl modelo TRIAL Classroom se concibio para generar, en el aula, experiencias de aprendizaje autenticas y se gesto a partir de la hibridacion de tres modelos de ensenanza: Educacion Deportiva, Aprendizaje Cooperativo y Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos. Hasta la fecha, se han encontrado trabajos que evidencian resultados positivos en terminos competenciales y en los diferentes objetivos que definen el modelo. Sin embargo, no hay evidencia de estudios que profundicen en establecer las conexiones autorreguladas que se producen al aplicar TRIAL Classroom ni existe una comparativa con la metodologia tradicional. El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido analizar la autorregulacion del alumnado cuando participa en la implementacion del modelo TRIAL Classroom frente a la metodologia tradicional. Para recoger datos con el fin de analizarlos y dar respuesta al objetivo propuesto se administro un cuestionario antes del inicio de la experiencia y al finalizar la misma. En la experiencia participaron 61 estudiantes matriculados en tres clases pertenecientes a dos centros escolares de la Region de Murcia de cuarto de educacion primaria. Dos clases implementaron el modelo TRIAL Classroom y la otra (grupo control) implemento la metodologia tradicional. Los resultados indicaron diferencias significativas en las diferentes subescalas a favor del modelo TRIAL Classroom.AbstractThe TRIAL Classroom model was conceived to generate authentic learning experiences in the classroom and was designed based on the hybridization of three teaching models: Sports Education, Cooperative Learning and Project Based Learning. To date, works have been found that show positive results in terms of competence and in the different objectives that define the model. However, there is no evidence of studies that deepen in establishing the self-regulated connections that occur when implementing TRIAL Classroom nor there is a comparison with the traditional methodology. The objective of this study has been to analyze the students' self-regulation when participating in the implementation of the TRIAL Classroom model against the traditional methodology. In order to collect data in order to analyze them and respond to the proposed objective, a questionnaire was administered before the beginning of the experience and at the end of it. The experience involved 61 students enrolled in three classes belonging to two schools in the Murcia Region of primary education room. Two classes implemented the TRIAL Classroom model and the other (control group) implemented the traditional methodology. The results indicated significant differences in the different subscales in favor of the TRIAL Classroom model. EnglishThe TRIAL Classroom model was conceived to generate authentic learning experiences in the classroom and was designed based on the hybridizationof three teaching models: Sports Education, Cooperative Learning and Project Based Learning. To date, works havebeen found that show positive results in terms of competence and in the different objectives that define the model. However, there is no evidence of studies that deepen in establishing the self-regulated connections that occur when implementing TRIAL Classroom nor there is a comparison with the traditional methodology. The objective of this study has been to analyze the students' self-regulation when participating in the implementation of the TRIAL Classroom model against the traditional methodology. In order to collect data in order to analyze them and respond to the proposed objective, a questionnaire was administered before the beginning of the experience and at the end of it. The experience involved 61 students enrolled in three classes belonging to twoschools in the Murcia Region of primary education room. Two classes implemented the TRIAL Classroom model and the other (control group) implemented the traditional methodology. The results indicated significant differences in the different subscales in favor of the TRIAL Classroom model.
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