Los judeoconversos portugueses en el Tribunal Inquisitorial de Córdoba: un análisis social (ss. XVI-XVII)

espanolEl principal objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es analizar al grupo judeoconverso portugues en el Tribunal Inquisitorial de Cordoba durante los siglos XVI y XVII. Nuestro proposito es estudiar a los miembros de este colectivo desde diferentes opticas, no solamente a raiz de la persecucion que algunos de ellos sufrieron ante la temida institucion. Asi, junto con los procesos inquisitoriales, se aborda su realidad socioeconomica. Metodologicamente, este estudio realiza en primer lugar una revision bibliografica sobre la cuestion, poniendo especial hincapie en los avances historiograficos acontecidos durante los ultimos anos. Seguidamente, a traves de diferentes fuentes archivisticas, con un peso muy destacado de los protocolos notariales, se profundiza en la actividad de los cristianos nuevos lusitanos asentados en el distrito. Para algunos de los linajes mas destacados, hemos podido brindar reconstrucciones genealogicas que permiten comprender mejor sus estrategias matrimoniales, avatares, trances inquisitoriales y, pese a todo, un notable ascenso social. Las presentes paginas pretenden profundizar en los mecanismos que los integrantes de esta minoria llevaron a cabo para integrarse en el resto de la sociedad, a la par que los rasgos propios que les caracterizaron y diferenciaron. Unas primeras interpretaciones sobre este sujeto social que son acompanadas de distintas bases estadisticas para valorar la importancia de esta emigracion en el area de estudio. EnglishThe main objective of this thesis is to analyze the converted Jew Portuguese group within the Inquisition Tribunal of Cordoba during the 16th and 17th centuries. Our purpose is to study the members of this group from different prisms; not just based on the prosecution which some of them were subjected to by the feared institution. Thus, their social-economic reality will be tackled alongside with the inquisitorial procedures. Regarding methodology, on a first stage this study carries out a bibliographical revision about the subject, paying special attention to the historiographical advancements that have been achieved in recent years. Then, throughout different archive sources, and with a bigger impact highlighting the notary protocols, we delve into the economic activity of the new Lusitanian Christians settled in the district. For some of the more prominent lineages, we have been able to approach genealogical reconstructions which allow us to understand better their marriage strategies, struggles, inquisitorial trances, and despite all of this, a remarkable social ascension. The present pages intend to delve deeper into the mechanisms that the members of this minority carried out to integrate themselves within the rest of the society, as well as into the individual features and traits that defined and differentiated them. Several early interpretations about this social subject will be presented, accompanied by various statistic bases to value the impact that this immigration had on the subject of study.
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