Transcription of a zein gene introduced into sunflower using a Ti plasmid vector.

Abstract A maize genomic clone containing a zein gene (Z4) was inserted into the T-region of the T37 Ti plasmid. Agrobacterium tumefaciens cells carrying this modified Ti plasmid were used to inoculate sunflower stemlets. Callus tissue active in nopaline synthesis was grown from a single transformed cell. DNA analysis of this tissue showed that the zein gene plus T-DNA was present in approximately 12 copies per diploid sunflower genome. A 1000 +/- 100 base RNA homologous to a zein probe could be isolated from the engineered sunflower tissue and the 5' end of this RNA was determined by S1 nuclease mapping. Two transcription start sites were detected. The positions of these transcription start sites and the ratio of the amounts of the two transcripts are identical for the Z4 gene in sunflower and in maize endosperm. Although the zein RNA isolated from the engineered sunflower tissue could be translated in a wheat germ system to yield an immuno-precipitable protein of the expected mol. wt., the presence of the zein protein in the sunflower tissue could not be demonstrated.
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