Rare presentation of unruptured sinus of valsalva aneurysm involving all three sinuses.

: A patient aged 35yrs presented with the complaint of exertional breathlessness, chest pain and palpitations of 6 months duration. She was not a known diabetic or hypertensive. CVS and RS systems examination did not reveal any positive findings. ECG showed T wave inversion in lead I, avL,V5 and V6. Chest X ray showed no Cardiomegaly. 2D echocardiography showed situs solitus, unruptured aneurysm of sinus of valsalva involving the left sinus filled with SEC and clot, Aneurysm measuring 6.2X3.5 cm, Mild MR, normal LV function, Aortic root angiogram done showed hugely dilated left aortic sinus with stasis, moderately dilated non-coronary sinus and mildly dilated right coronary sinus. Patient was taken up for surgery. All the 3 sinuses were dilated and filled with organized clot. Organized thrombus was removed from all the 3 sinuses and reconstruction of all the sinuses was done with pericardial patch avoiding injury to respective coronary ostia. Post op period was uneventful. Follow up echocardiogram showed near normal dimensions of all the 3 sinuses of valsalva, normal biventricular function and no regional wall motion abnormalities.
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