Results of the facial skull bone defects and deformations repair by modern methods for plasty and fixation of bone fragments

: Methods of reconstructive maxillofacial operations bringing about the best functional and esthetic results are analyzed. Surgical methods for repair of maxillofacial bone defects and deformations with the use of transplants and different methods of their fixation depending on the tissues at the site of defect (deformation) in patients with acquired and congenital abnormalities of the facial skull have been developed and are used at Central Institute of Dentistry. Osteosynthesis using titanium constructions and compression-distraction devices is acknowledged as an effective method of bone repair operations on the face. It notably reduces the duration of operation and prevents the relapse of the deformation. Analysis was carried out on extensive clinical data (more than 1000 patients), which allowed an objective evaluation of remote results of plastic repair of bones and helped define the indications and contraindications for such operations.
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