Rotary driving plug connection for transmitting torque in a motor vehicle powertrain

Motor vehicle drive train, with a rotary driving pin connector for transmitting torque between stationary in torque transmission connection, or to be brought components or units of the drive train, the connector comprising: a primary-side coupling region (402, 422) to a first component (302) and a secondary-side coupling region (420) to a second component (34), one of which at least one of an inner periphery (422) or at least an inner circumferential portion (hereinafter also referred to as inner circumferential addressed) limited recess (402) and the other at least a an outer circumference or at least an outer peripheral portion (hereinafter also referred to as outer circumferential addressed) having projected portion (420) which is inserted with respect to an axis of rotation (a) axially into the recess (402) or is insertable to provide a formschlusssigen rotational driving engagement between the inner circumference and the outer circumference, with a plurality of intended for placement between the inner circumference and the outer circumference, the form-locking rotary entrainment engagement mediating coupling elements (406; 406 '; 406' '), wherein the torque transmission between the components or units of the drive train via the coupling portions (402, 422, 420) and the coupling elements ( '; 406' 406 406 ') is carried out, wherein the coupling elements (406; 406 '; 406' ') have between the inner periphery and the outer periphery of movement and are adjustable by axial adjustment in an engagement position in which they impart the substantially play-free form-locking rotary driving engagement between the inner periphery and the outer periphery.
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