Major parameters affecting the calculation of equilibrium factor using SSNTD-measured track densities

Abstract The equilibrium factor F between radon and its daughters as a function of the track density ratio D / D 0 between bare and in can track detectors is solved graphically and gave more accurate solution than that solved mathematically elsewhere. The advantages of the graphical solution come from its simplicity and does not need any tedious mathematical formula or a computer program. The simplicity of this solution makes us study many parameters that affect the equilibrium factor determination such as the detector type, the diffusion chamber dimensions, the membrane specifications and the behavior of α -emitters around the detector. The results show that the equilibrium factor as a function of D / D 0 takes different form according to the facility used. The range of this study covers two widely used detectors (CR-39 and LR-115) equipped in two widely used diffusion chambers (small and medium chambers).
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