Gambaran Self Care Behaviour pada Pasien Gagal Jantung

Introduction: Self care management has an important role in the success of medical treatment for heart failure and can have an impact on improving symptoms of heart failure, functional capacity, quality of life, and prognosis. Self Care includes actions that aim to maintain a stable physical, avoid bad behavior and find the initial symptoms of poor heart failure. Purpose: This study purpose to describe the self-care behavior in heart failure patients. Method used with a cross sectional approach with accidental sampling technique. The study was conducted at Sukoharjo General Hospital with a total of 67 respondents. The research instrument used was the Self Care Heart Failure Index to determine the patient's self care ability. To determine the patient's self care behaviour by calculating the mean of the filled score. There are 3 dimensions assessed, namely self care maintenance, self care management and self care confidence. Results: The results obtained from this study show a picture of self care behaviour above the average value of 53.12 as much as 53.7% of respondents have good self care behaviour because self care confidence is good but self care maintenance and self care management are still not good. The description of the respondent characteristics is more male respondents (53.7%), the average age of respondents is over 60 years, the majority of respondents have the last level of education in Elementary School (SD). Conclusion: The majority of respondents have good self care behaviour because they have a high self care confidence score.
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