Shallow Self-Learning for Reject Inference in Credit Scoring

Credit scoring models support loan approval decisions in the financial services industry. Lenders train these models on data from previously granted credit applications, where the borrowers’ repayment behavior has been observed. This approach creates sample bias. The scoring model is trained on accepted cases only. Applying the model to screen applications from the population of all borrowers degrades its performance. Reject inference comprises techniques to overcome sampling bias through assigning labels to rejected cases. This paper makes two contributions. First, we propose a self-learning framework for reject inference. The framework is geared toward real-world credit scoring requirements through considering distinct training regimes for labeling and model training. Second, we introduce a new measure to assess the effectiveness of reject inference strategies. Our measure leverages domain knowledge to avoid artificial labeling of rejected cases during evaluation. We demonstrate this approach to offer a robust and operational assessment of reject inference. Experiments on a real-world credit scoring data set confirm the superiority of the suggested self-learning framework over previous reject inference strategies. We also find strong evidence in favor of the proposed evaluation measure assessing reject inference strategies more reliably, raising the performance of the eventual scoring model.
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