Penerapan Teknologi Pengolahan Limbah Cair Batik di Kota Probolinggo

Probolinggo city is one of the cities that have many batik craftsmen. Arumanis Batik and Zahra Batik is a batik craftsman who is quite famous in Probolinggo. Both craftsmen have the same problem that is in the process of disposal of liquid waste from the batik production process. The liquid wastes produced by both craftsmen are mostly stained waste using synthetic dyes and other chemicals for the fixation process. These chemicals are classified as tough waste. Disposal of batik wastewater can cause contamination of water around the environment of batik craftsmen who can ultimately adversely affect health. Therefore, it is necessary to apply the technology of batik liquid waste treatment with the procurement of installation and management independently so that it can be utilized maximally. In addition it is necessary socialization of knowledge about waste batik making to batik craftsmen, so get knowledge about batik wastewater and how to treat the waste properly. The results of the implementation of activities is the socialization of the use of natural dyes, socialization of the importance of batik wastewater treatment, and the manufacture of sewage treatment unit installation.
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