Interaction of Basal Foliage Removal and Late-Season Fungicide Applications in Management of Hop Powdery Mildew

Canopy management is an important aspect of control of powdery mildew diseases and may influence the intensity of fungicide applications required to suppress disease. In hop, powdery mildew (caused by Podosphaera macularis) is most damaging to cones when infection occurs during bloom and the juvenile stages of cone development. Experiments were conducted over 3 years to evaluate whether fungicide applications could be ceased after the most susceptible stages of cone development (late July) without unduly affecting crop yield and quality when disease pressure was moderated with varying levels of basal foliage removal. In experimental plots of ‘Galena’ hop, the incidence of leaves with powdery mildew was similar whether fungicides were ceased in late July or made in late August. Disease levels on leaves were unaffected by the intensity of basal foliage removal, whereas the intensity of basal foliage removal interacted with the duration of fungicide applications to affect disease levels on cones. Similar exp...
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