The Ord River Irrigation Project, past, present and future: an economic evaluation

Th(• ( Jrd River I rriglstion Prujt·ct. JHL'\t. prest•nt and ruturl': an t•c(momic ('\'atuation S. Kc.\'wm1hl. 1\1. l ... 1ch~ and F. lynn~ I Ha~sall and ASM.lCtatc:l'ty Ltd. :! ( ·onluc CC1nsult111g. 3 ( 'nflcy tv1PW Pty Ltd ·nw, part•r prl· n summary of thl· n·sufl, of an c:conomJc cvhluatiCln (If the Ord R tvcr lrngauon ProJeCt carTJcd out m order l of the ProJCCl earned out m two st.nge!. The ftrst stage mvnlwd an cx·rost cconom1c analyst~ of the PI\'JCCt lrom the ttmc construcuon commenced. m l 0.'\o. t on the result·· of the second stage of the st.udy wh1ch suggests that f unhcr drvt•lnpmcnt Clf the Ord f<.wcr lrngatJOn ProJ<.~ct would y1dd favourublc cconomtc n.~tums The Ord River· Irrigation Pr·ojcct. past, Jn·cscnt nnd future: nn cconmnic cvnluation• S Keyworth I, M Lack2 and F. Lynn3 HCISS:tll and Assocmtcs. 2 ronlac Cousultmg; 3 CoO'cy MP\V
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