Use of the Dismounted Soldier Simulator to Corroborate NVG Studies in a Field Setting

Abstract : Two virtual reality (VR) laboratory studies were conducted using an immersive Dismounted Soldier Simulator (DSS) to replicate and extend a field study on Night Vision Goggle (NVG) field of view (FOV). The DSS was intended to allow for better control of confounding environmental factors identified in the field experiment. In the first VR laboratory study, experimental procedures of the field study were replicated. Soldiers 'wore' different FOV NVGs and detected randomly selected stationary targets while standing stationary at predetermined locations along the urban lane. In the second or extended laboratory study, soldiers wore NVGs with either 40, 70, or 95 degrees FOV and detected a series of dynamic soldier-like targets while navigating and traversing through the virtual urban village. Results from these laboratory studies seem to reveal a trend that soldiers could detect targets better while wearing NVGs with larger than 40 degree FOV, and performance with 70 degree FOV NVGs was better than with 95 degree FOV NVGs. Furthermore, it seemed the wider the FOV, the fewer navigation mistakes the soldiers committed.
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