What is the most suitable methodological approach to demarcate peri-urban areas? A systematic review of the literature

Abstract Unexceptionally all metropolitan areas throughout the world are surrounded by peri-urban areas that are neither urban nor rural in the conventional sense. Peri-urban areas are transition spaces, where the changes in different land uses are incessantly occurring. Determining the boundaries of these areas are critical to develop appropriate policies to manage and preserve them. The perpetual transition in peri-urban landscapes makes the boundary demarcation of these areas highly difficult. This paper aims to answer the question of what the most suitable methodological approach to demarcate peri-urban areas is. In order to address this question, the study undertakes a systematic review of the relevant literature. The findings show that a generic method does not exist to demarcate peri-urban areas as characteristics of peri-urban areas are not uniform across the globe. This paper advocates that techniques for peri-urban demarcation should be geographically specific, and in every case the regional and local contexts–e.g., political system, institutional arrangement, societal characteristic, environmental qualities, and economic drivers that underpin the peri-urban development—should be considered. The study provides insights to policymakers in order to determine peri-urban boundaries by tailoring available peri-urban demarcation techniques to their regional and local contexts.
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