Computational Icing Risk Analysis of the D8 “Double Bubble” Aircraft

A computational icing risk analysis utilizing LEWICE3D was performed for the D8 Double Bubble aircraft. A variety of discrete drop sizes spanning the Appendix C and O regimes were simulated. For computational efficiency a 50-bin global discretization was produced and projected onto the distributions of interest, eliminating redundant simulations. The trajectory and impingement characteristics for discrete drop diameters were analyzed to help understand the behavior of the water drops in the presence of a complex flow field. The collection efficiency results for the discrete drop diameters were then weighted by their contributions to the total water content of six different continuous distributions and subsequently superposed to approximate these curves. Results indicate that significant variation in impingement exists as a function of drop diameter for complex wing body geometries, and that current discretization practices may be insufficient to accurately predict water collection on certain regions of the aircraft. Results also indicate that the Appendix O distributions, specifically those with considerable water content at large drops, generates water collection patterns that are markedly different from distributions representative of Appendix C.
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