Molecular epidemiology of severe ambient air pollution on women and the developing fetus. Progress report, 15 September 1993--14 September 1994

The research goal is validation of a number of promising biomarkers in two groups of Polish women and their newborn infants: 73 mother/child pairs from Krakow, a city with elevated air pollution and 90 pairs from Limanowa, a less polluted area. Specifically, the authors are evaluating: (1) the relationship between ambient exposures and the following markers of biologically effective dose and biologic response: PAH-DNA adducts by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-DNA adducts by {sup 32}P-postlabeling and the frequency of gene mutation at the hprt locus in T-lymphocytes; (2) the relationship between markers of biologically effective dose (adducts) and markers of biologic response (gene mutation); (3) the comparison of the same biomarkers in maternal and fetal/newborn tissues to assess possible differences in response and susceptibility; (4) the ability of genetic/metabolic markers (CYP1A1 mRNA, CYP1A1 enzyme activity, CYP1A1 MspI polymorphism and glutathione-S-transferase (GSTM1) genotype) to modify markers of biologically effective dose and biologic response, including an estimate of host versus environmental contributions; and (5) the relationship between biomarkers (PAH-DNA adducts and serum cotinine) to birth weight.
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