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Alevilik Tartışmaları Üzerine

Ulkemizde son yillarda en cok tartisilan konulardan birisi de Aleviliktir. Konunun populer olmasi, populer olmak isteyenler icin iyi bir firsat sunmustur. Aleviligi ve Bektasiligi iyi anlayabilmek icin, tarihi koklerini ve Anadolu’ya gelinceye kadar gecirdigi evreleri, etkilendigi kulturleri birlikte degerlendirmek gerekir. Boylesine bir arastirma Alevilik ve Bektasiligin Şiilik ve Kerbelâ olayi ile hic hicbir baglantisinin olmadigini da ortaya cikaracaktir. Turklerin resmi inanci haline gelen ve ameli imandan bir cuz saymayan Hanefi-Maturidi anlayis Alevilik ve Bektasiligi de etkilemistir. Baslangicta siyasi bir karakter arz eden Şiilik, Kerbelâ olayini istismar ederek dini bir mahiyet kazanmaya calismistir. Olayin gectigi donemde Turkler henuz Musluman olmamislardir. Turkler yeni tanistiklari Islam’i yasadiklari ortam ve sartlara gore (yerlesik ve gocebe) farkli algilamis ve yorumlamislardir. Bu farklilik goclerle birlikte Anadolu’ya gelmis, devlet destegini her zaman arkasina alan ve kurumlasan Sunnilik, Alevilik ve Bektasiligi sehirlerden kirsala gitmeye zorlamistir. Yazili gelenegi olmayan Alevilik yillardir kendilerine has toren ve ibadetlerle varligini surdurmus, son yillarda ozgurlesme ve demokratiklesme sureci ile birlikte hak arayisina girmistir. Bu surecte cok farkli niyetler, istismarlar asil problemi golgede birakmistir. Resmi yonetimin cozume yonelik faaliyetleri de beklenen neticeyi vermemistir. Teorik bir calisma olan makalemizde, tarihi gerceklerden ve dokumanlardan hareketle problemi ortaya koymayi, nasil cozulecegine dair teklifler sunmayi, toplumsal barisin teminine katki saglamayi amacladik. One of the most controversial issues in our country in recent years is Alevism. The popularity of it has made it a good opportunity for those who want to be popular. In order to understand Alevism and Bektashism well, it is necessary to evaluate the historical roots and the streaks that have been passed down to Anatolia and the cultures affected. Such research will reveal that there is no connection between Alevism and Bektashism’s Shiiteand Karbala events. The Hanefi-Maturidy understanding, which has become the official belief of the Turks and does not consider a working faithful, influenced Alevism and Bektashism. Initially a political charakter, Shiqi tried to gain religious character by exploiting Karbala. At the time of the incident, the Turks had not yet become Muslims. The Turks percevied and interpredet Islam, which they had recently met, differently according to the circumstances and conditions (resident and nomadic). This difference has come to Anatolia with the migration, and it has forced the Sunni, Alevism and Bektashism cities, which are always behind the state support and become institutional, to go rural. The Alevism, which has no written tradition, has existed for many years with its own rituals and worship, and in recent years has entered the search for rights with the process very different intentions and abuses have left the ral problem in the shadow. The activities of the official government for resolution also did not give the expected result. In our theoretical work, our aim is to present the problem with historical facts, to offer suggestions on how to solve it, and to contribute to the provision of social peace.
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