in children* das doses de radiação em uretrocistografia miccional de crianças

AbstractResumo * Study developed at Instituto Fernandes Figueira da Funda-cao Oswaldo Cruz (IFF/Fiocruz) and Faculdade de Medicina daUniversidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro,RJ, Brazil.1. Physicist, Scholarship holder, Instituto Fernandes Figueirada Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz (IFF/Fiocruz), Rio de Janeiro, RJ,Brazil.2. PhD, Head for Unit of Radiology at Instituto Fernandes Fi-gueira da Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz (IFF/Fiocruz), Rio de Janeiro,RJ, Brazil.3. Specialist, Pediatric Radiologist at Unit of Radiology – Ins-tituto Fernandes Figueira da Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz (IFF/Fiocruz),Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.4. Masters, Fellow PhD degree, Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz(Fiocruz), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.5. PhD, Associate Professor of Radiology at Faculdade deMedicina da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Riode Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. of the urinary tract and, according to reportsin the literature, represents 30% to 50% offluoroscopy studies performed in chil-dren (3,4) . The main indications for this im-aging method are: evaluation of repeatedurinary infections, vesicoureteral refluxand congenital abnormalities of the blad-der and of the urethra.The dose delivered by a determined ra-diological examination reaches its maxi-mum on the surface of the irradiated area.One can determine the radiation dose inci-dent on the exposed areas by using theDiamentor, a device that is coupled to thex-ray tube that allows the monitoring ofaccumulative radiation emitted by the x-raytube during the examination, and whichwill not interfere on the procedure perfor-mance. Based on the entrance-surface air
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