Modificación conductual en un caso de onicofagia. Behavioral modification in a case of onychophagia.

Deforming oral habits have their origin in the neur omuscular system and are of a complex natur e. One such habit, onychophagia, is the act of nailbiting, which can cause lesions to the fi ngers and lips leading to infections and occlusal alterations. Behavior modifi cation therapy has proved to be a successful means of treatment. This case report demonstrates the role of dentists in the detection of onychophagia and describes a behavior modifi cation therapy aimed at reducing the nail-biting of a 7-year-old female patient who received comprehensive dental care at the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic of the Faculty of Dentistry at the Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico (UAEM). Weekly targets, penalties, sanctions, and positive reinforcements were set, these having been previously agreed to by the mother and the patient. Self-refl ection and awareness were achieved in both mother and daughter, resulting in a decrease in the habit.
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