Avoidance of defibrillation threshold testing at the time of internal defibrillator insertion: is it safe?

Bu makale implantabl kardiyoverter defibrilator takilmasi sirasinda defibrilasyon esiginin olculmesi gerekliligine iliskin tartismali bir soruya isik tutmak uzere, ileriye donuk olarak yurutulen kisa sureli onemli bir calisma ile desteklenen bir konu incelemesinden olusmustur. Bu sorunun yanitlanmasi, islemi daha kolay ve maliyet etkin bir hale getirerek, iyi duzeyde belgelenmis morbidite ve mortalitenin azaltilmasi uzerinde onemli bir etkisi olacaktir. Anah tar soz cuk ler: Kardiyak aritmi; internal defibrilator; ventrikuler fibrilasyon. This article consists of a subject review supported by a short-term pilot study which was conducted prospectively to shed light into the controversial question regarding the necessity of having the defibrillation threshold measured at the time of the implantable cardioverter defibrillator implantation. Answering this question will have an important impact on reducing the well-documented morbidity and mortality, making the operation simpler and cost-effective.
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