Valutazione della Salvia desoleana Atzei e Picci in coltivazione

The Salvia desoleana Atzei and Picci is one endemic species of the Sardinia; for many years it have been considered a variety of the Salvia sclarea L. Recent tests confirm the effectiveness of the extracts of Salvia desoleana , in the defense of the plants in biological agriculture. The experiment has been carried out on plants in cultivation from 2 years on the experimental field of the Department, situated near to Sassari (40°43' N; 080°34' E), 80 m over see level. The experimental field interests a area of 192 m 2 , cultivated, in the two previous years, to alfalfa. The plants have been transplanted in field during the first decade of April 2002 for a final density of 1,4 plants for m 2 It has not been watered during the cultivation. Weeds have been controlled by hand. It has not been necessary to take phytosanitary controI. It has not been made fertilization, being sufficient the nitrogen contribution supplied from the cultivation of medical grass. The plants in experimental field caught up to the maximum development an average height of 144 + 18.81 cm, with variable values from a minimum of 116 cm to a maximum of 175 cm. The flowering begun in the second decade of May 2005, after approximately 231 days from the autumnal awakening. An average number of complete inflorescenze to 46 + 13.29 has been found. Production of green mass of 1203.07 + 573.55 grams for plant has been yield; correspondent to approximately 406 + 218.57 grams of dry matter. The production of the single plants varied from a maximum of 885.8 g of the plant n. 6, to 125.6 g collected from the plant n. 5. The average production in essential oils has been 0.47%. The average seed production has been of 3.3 + 1,87 g for plant. The maximum weight of thousand seeds has been of 5.85 for plant n. 2.
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