Research data supporting Temperature dependent lithium isotope fractionation during glass dissolution

MW25 - Alkali fusion: Excel workbooks containing the calibration curve used (diluted using a blank K2CO3 fusion), masses weighed out during alkali fusion, concentrations of supernatant and residue measured through ICP-OES, volumes of diluted supernatant and masses of elements loaded onto the columns, and ICP-OES of the pre- and post-Li fractions from the columns. MW25 - EDS Images: .rar archive containing: .tif files showing the elemental maps for 464 d leached MW25 at 90 °C (stub 1) and 40 °C (stub 2). Each image number represents one glass particle examined. The .bcf files give the entire map (all elements) for use with ESPIRIT 2 software, whilst the .spx files give the EDS spectrum of the entire map or areas (as specified). MW25 - HF Digest: Excel workbook of glass used in HF digestion and the volumes of diluted digest which needed to be loaded onto the columns (calculated from the nominal composition given in Scales (2011)). MW25 - ICP-OES - Leachate concentrations: Excel workbook containing the raw concentrations, corrected concentrations, elemental ratios and normalised elemental releases (calculated following the PCT calculations in ASTM (2002)) of the leachates. All leachates (6 h to 464 d) are presented. MW25 - MC-ICP-MS: Excel workbooks containing the Li MC-ICP-MS runs of all leachates, alkali fusions and HF digest. All results are shown together in the summary "Compilation of results" workbook, whilst raw data is presented in the individual workbooks as shown. Raw data has been separated into separate workbooks depending on the sample type and, where settings changed slightly for similar samples, run number. MW25 - SEM Images: .rar archive containing secondary electron (LFD) and backscattered electron (BSE) images of 464 d leached MW25 at 90 °C (Stub 1) and 40 °C (Stub 2) as .tif files. Each image number corresponds to a different glass particle examined within the same sample. MW25 - Sieving and washing: Excel workbook containing the masses and yields of glass monoliths crushed and sieved, checked for magnetic particles, washed and then dried. MW25 - Vessel masses, leaching times, calibrations, pH measurements, dilution factors and SAV ratios: Excel workbook containing all data taken when beginning the dissolution experiments and when taking each set of aliquots, alongside equipment calibrations done prior, dilution factors for taken aliquots and SA/V ratios calculated from mass loss. MW25 - XRD: Excel workbook containing the raw XRD diffractograms (2theta column and intensity column) for 90 and 40 °C 464 d leached MW25 with and without background correction. These results are then compared to pristine MW25 and labelled according to the PDF search of the ICDD database.
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