Exergames como recurso facilitador da participação de aluno com deficiência física nas aulas de educação física: percepção do aluno

Resumo O recurso pedagogico e considerado importante para a inclusao por ser um auxilio ao processo de ensino e aprendizagem do aluno com deficiencia. E possivel utilizar novos recursos nas aulas de Educacao Fisica, como o video game. Este estudo objetivou verificar a opiniao do aluno com deficiencia fisica sobre a sua participacao nas aulas de Educacao Fisica, apos a utilizacao do video game. Participou, do presente estudo, um aluno com diagnostico de paralisia cerebral. Foi realizada intervencao com video game, e, apos, foi realizada entrevista com o aluno com deficiencia. Resultaram categorias e subcategorias sobre as aulas de Educacao Fisica e o uso do video game. Concluiu-se que usar o video game em aulas de Educacao Fisica favoreceu a habilidade manual do aluno, alem de te-lo motivado a fazer todas as atividades. Palavras-chave: Educacao Fisica Inclusiva. Participacao. Deficiencia Fisica. Exergames as a facilitating resource to the participation of the student with physical disability in classes of physical education: student’s perception Abstract The pedagogical resource is considered important for inclusion because it can help the teaching and learning process of the disabled student. It is possible to use new resources in physical education classes, such as the video game. This study aimed to verify the opinion of a student with physical disability on his participation in physical education classes, after the use of the video game. A student diagnosed with cerebral palsy participated in the present study. The intervention was performed with video game, and after that, it was held an interview with this student. The result showed categories and subcategories on the physical education classes and the use of the video game. It was concluded that the usage of video game in physical education classes favored the manual skills of the student, and motivated him to do all activities. Keywords: Inclusive Physical Education. Participation. Physical Disability.
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