Pharmacological characterization and autoradiographic localization of dopamine D1-like receptors in the thymus

Abstract The present study was designed to identify the pharmacological profile and the anatomical localisation of dopamine D 1 -like receptor sites in the rat thymus using [ 3 H]SCH 23390 as a ligand. [ 3 H]SCH 23390 was specifically bound to sections of the thymus. Binding was time, temperature and concentration-dependent belonging in the range of concentrations of radioligand used to a single class of high affinity sites. The dissociation constant was 1.6 nM and the maximal density of binding sites averaged to 170 fmol/mg tissue. The pharmacological profile of [ 3 H]SCH 23390 binding to sections of the rat thymus is consistent with the labelling of dopamine D 1 -like sites. Dopamine was able to compete with [ 3 H]SCH 23390 binding to sections of rat thymus in the range of nanomolar concentrations. This suggests the labelling of dopamine D 5 receptor sites. Light microscope autoradiography revealed the localisation of [ 3 H]SCH 23390 binding sites primarity in the cortex of the thymus and in lesser amounts at the level of thymic corpuscles. The possible functional significance of dopamine D 1 -like receptors in the rat thymus is discussed.
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