[Examination of the safety of docetaxel/cyclophosphamide combination therapy for advanced recurrent breast cancer].

: In the treatment of recurrent breast cancer in patients previously treated with anthracycline drugs, taxane drugs are generally used. This time, we retrospectively studied the safety of docetaxel/cyclophosphamide combination therapy (hereinafter referred to as TC therapy). Ten patients (mean age: 52.8 years old) were included in the study. Metastatic/recurrent sites included 3 skin, 2 each of contralateral breast, lung and bone, and 1 each of liver, carcinomatous pleurisy and supraclavicular lymph node. Seven patients had a history of anthracycline treatment. The patients received TC at doses of 60 mg/m(2) and 500 mg/m(2), respectively, every 3 weeks. With regard to adverse events, non-hematotoxic events included alopecia in all the patients, generalized malaise in 5, and abnormal nail in 1. Hematotoxic events were grades 2 and 3 decreased neutrophil count in 5 patients. One patient had grade 4 pyrexia associated with oral candida. The patient was admitted and treated with fluid replacement and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF). There were no other patients in whom the treatment was prolonged or dosage was reduced due to adverse reactions. TC therapy is considered to be a beneficial treatment method in terms of safety since it can be instituted on an outpatient basis.
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