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Kontrast Madde Nefropatisi

Radiocontrast-induced nephropathy Radiocontrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) is currently a major cause of hospital-acquired acute renal failure, because of increasing usage of these agents in both diagnostic and interventional procedures. CIN leads to undesirable clinical circumstances which may result in dead as well as increasing length of hospitalisation and high costs. CIN is clinically defined as a sudden decline in renal functions after contrast media administration. The proposed pathophysiologic mechanisms of CIN are renal medullar hypoxia and direct tubuler toxicity of radiocontrast medium. The occurence of CIN is directly related to the number of coexisting clinical risk factors. Some of described risk factors for the developing of CIN are preexisting renal insufficiency, presence of diabetes mellitus and amount of used contrast agent. It is considered that the most effective management at reducing of the incidence of CIN is detection of risk factors mentioned above before administration of contrast medium. In this review we discussed the risk factors and the pathophysiologic mechanisms of CIN, and summarized some of the properties of contrast media.
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