Behavioral medicine and women : a comprehensive handbook

Agras, Strickland, Forewords. Part I:Life Course Perspectives. Brooks-Gunn, Graber, Section Editors' Overview. Woods, Rosenstein, Brain and Behavior Development. Thoman, Infancy. Field, Maternal Cocaine use and Fetal Development. Olson, Maternal Alcohol Use and Fetal Developmetn. Szkrybalo, Ruble, Childhood: Gender Role Development. Petersen, Adolescence. Graber, Brooks-Gunn, Puberty. Millstein, Halpern-Flesher, Adolescent Sexuality. Hardy, Teenage and Adolescent Pregnancy. Helstrom, Blechman, Parnting. Seltzer, Parenting of Adults with Mental Retardation. Thomas, Midlife. Moen, Aging. Part II: Stress and Coping. Blechman, Section Editor Overview. Beach, Attachment. Fincham, Marital Quality. O'Leary, Marital Conflict. Wills, Social Support. Eysenck, Personality. Basso, Type A Behavior Pattern. Smith, Hostility. Gustafson, Achievement. Carver, Optimism. Maddi, Hardiness. Wright,Resilience. Repetti, Multiple Roles. Sweeting, Life Events. Aspinwall, Social Comparison. Ryff, Positive Mental Health. Part III: Prevention. King, Section Editor Overview. Sikkema, HIV Prevention. Mantell, Susser, HIV Prvention among Homeless Women. Mayer, Breast Cancer Screening: Improving Adherence. Kaplan, Breast Cancer Screening: When to Begin? Nelson, Osteoporosis Prevention. Killen, Smoking Prevention. Tucker, Preventing Alcohol Problems. Brunner, St. Jeor, Nutrition: Diet and Disease. Brunner, St. Jeor, Nutrition: Guidelines, Attitudes and Behaviors. Glanz, Nutrition Education. Osborne, Oral Health. Dubbert, Exercise. Douthitt Exercise for Adolescents. Gregerson, Relaxation. Part IV: Health Care Paradigms, Policies, and Settings Gilchrist, Section Editor Overview. Edmunds, Health Care Policy. Levy, Accountability. Wallis, Medical Curricula and Training. Wallen, Substance Abuse and Health Care Utilization. Balassone, School-Based Clinics. Maheu, Worksite Nicotine Treatment. Pierce, The Military and Health. Brown, Prenatal Care Access. Black, Scott, Self-Administered Interventions. Cornman, Self-Administered Interventions. Cornman, Alternative Medicine. Part V: Body Image and Substance Use. Brownell, Section Editor Overview. Sokol, Gray, Anorexia Nervosa. Hefferman, Bulimia Nervosa. Troop, Stress and Coping in Eating Disorders. Polivy, McFarlane, Dieting, Exercise, and Body Weight. Eklund, Social Physique Anxiety. Rosen, Negative Body Image. Cash, The Emergence of Negative Body Images. Pruzinsky, Breast Implants. Wing Obesity. Rohsenow, Alcoholoism. Baraona, Alcohol Metabolism. McCaul, Drug Abuse. Hall, Drug Abuse Treatment. Husten, Cigarette Smoking. Part VI: Sexuality and Reproduction. Williams, Section Editor Hall, Drug Abuse Treatment. Husten, Cigarette Smoking. Part VI: Sexuality and Reproduction. Williams, Section Editor Overview. Morokoff, Sexual Functioning. Warren, Solidum, Reproductive Endrocrinology. McFarlane, Premenstrual Disorders. Wilkie, Schmidt, Gynecological Pain. Laws, Sexual Abuse. Dunkel-Schetter, Lobel, Pregnancy and Childbirth. Rogers, Pregnancy in Women with Disabilities. Gotlib, Postpartum Depression. Lawrence, Breastfeeding. Labbok, The Lactational Lactational Amenorrhea Method. Ballagh, Contraception. Alder, Smith, Abotion. Giudice, Reproductive Technologies. O'Hanlan, Menopause. Zeiss, Sexuiality and Aging. Part VII: Physiological Disorders with Behavioral Psychosocial C
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